Hunch / Hryggja
A collaborational project between Andrea Ágústa Aðalsteinsdóttir (Hunch / Hryggja), Sara Ósk Rúnarsdóttir (Within bounds / Fjötrar), Sigríður Þóra Óðinsdóttir (Without a trace. Again / Sporlaust. Aftur). Exhibited as a 3 channel video-installation at Fjöltengi (Multiple-socket extension lead).
The work as a whole is about putting oneself in to different states, with the purpose of discovering things that are connected with the inner landscape of the individual. In order to acheive that the actor was placed in somewhat of a surreal situation in three parts. The focus was on using repetition in the videos and rythm as a strong element in all three works. Each video was thought of as a layer that would combine the three states of being. A soundscape was created to bind the three layers together.